A.I.M. for PRE-MED Solutions
Who we are?
What we offer
- MCAT review courses
- Application fees
- Interview related expenses (travel, hotel, food and clothing)
- Miscellaneous expenses

Statement Of Purpose
Our Focus
Black and Hispanic physicians make up less than 10% of the physician workforce despite the fact that the population in the United States is becoming increasingly diverse. To adequately address the healthcare needs of this diverse population, we need to significantly increase the number of Black and other under-represented minorities (URM) in the physician workforce. Studies show that when a patient and their doctor are of the same race, the patient will experience a more satisfying doctor-patient relationship.
Studies also show that African-American and Hispanic physicians are more likely to return to practice in an underserved community as compared to their white counterparts.
To increase the number of Black and other URM doctors, we must develop strategies and initiate programs that will inspire, recruit, and educate ethnically diverse physicians.
Over the past several decades, the number of Black and other underrepresented minority (URM) students applying to medical school has not increased to any significant degree. In fact, the number of Black males applying to medical school has actually decreased.

The reasons for the lack of minority physicians are multifactorial:
- Lack of early exposure to medicine as a career choice
- Limited access to physician role models
- An overwhelming and intimidating application process
- Less competitive grades, MCAT scores, and applications
- Lack of financial resources
Please Support Our Students


To change the face of medicine … one doctor at a time.

To diversify the physician workforce by developing a pipeline of academically prepared minority students that will become well trained, culturally competent physicians.

We will become the nation’s number one source of knowledge and information that will Advise, Inspire, and Mentor the next generation of minority physicians.
How to Receive Financial Assistance

Enroll and Participate in advisement from Pre-Med Solutions

Personal Statement
Submit a Personal Statement

Community Service
Submit a Personal Statement

Show Documentation of a charitable donation of at least $25.00 within the last 24 months

Serve as a Mentor
Agree to serve as a mentor in the future

Receive Financial Support
Complete the Application to Receive Financial Support
*applications will be reviewed and approved by an advisory panel
President/Owner…Radiant Women’s Health Conyers, GA.
Emory University School of Medicine
- Professor of Medicine
- Vice Chair for Diversity and Inclusion Emory Internal Medicine Department
- Chief, Grady Section General Medicine and Geriatrics

Aisha DeBerry, J.D.
- Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, GA. Campus
- Former President, Mourning Family Foundation
Assistant Clinical Professor of Anesthesiology
- Johns Hopkins University
- Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia
Adjunct Professor of Surgery
- Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine- GA. Campus Adjunct Associate Professor of Clinical Surgery
- Morehouse School of Medicine-Atlanta, Georgia Wound Care Physician
- Piedmont Fayette Hospital-Fayetteville, Georgia
- Dallas, Texas
- Council Member. Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Business and Community Advisory Council
Former Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery
Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine Dayton, Ohio
Ophthalmologist, Private Practice
Dayton, Ohio
Valerie Bennett, Ph.D.
Faculty Member, Morehouse College Director of TRIO program
Atlanta, Georgia
Lloyd Bridges, M.D.
Charlotte, North Carolina
Luther Burse, M.D.
Atlanta, Georgia
Kenyon Fort, D.D.S.
St. Petersburg, FL
Miles Johnson, M.D.
Atlanta, Georgia
Charles King , M.Ed.
Kansas City, Kansas
Marlah Mardis, M.D.
Memphis, Tennessee
Jeffery Riddle, J.D.
Atlanta, Georgia